Inspired by the hide-and-seek activity to the right, I photocopied the outline of the chameleon on discarded overhead projector sheets. These transparencies were trimmed and hidden all over our room.
Calming Watercolors
Doodles and Quiet Coloring
Empowering Engineers
One of my favorite perks of being a teacher is being the recipient of creative gifts of appreciation. My role is to then find ways of showing that these talents are valued. If a student designs a dress for you then you must find a model that it will fit. During our remote learning I grouped students virtually based on their interests. Customized clothes for dolls was eye-opening. I will definitely order the next size up!
Cross Age Collaboration: Haiku with You
Theatrical Take-Aways: After watching an Historical Perspectives Performance of Sally Ride...
In the weeks before we went remote, I taught my students how to make god's eyes as a calming activity. For many of them it took multiple attempts, while others were capable of teaching other grade level classmates almost immediately. I loved how unique and colorful they were against the birch branch. This was the perfect backdrop for our remote meetings.
Paint a Picture with Your Words:
Couldn't let these cityscapes go home without using them to activate our sensory details in our writing.
Pen Pals No Postage Necessary
Personalized Writing Folders contain our current pieces and our published works.
Super Spidey Senses: I Wish My Teacher Knew Box
Communication :Audience and Information
This teacher tells her class that they can think of almost everything as a math problem; so soon after, her students start to find everything in life arranging itself into a math problem, and they must find their way out of the Math Curse!
Still Life Structures and Scientific Drawings
Showing Appreciation
Playful Poetry Problem Solving Activator
This ornithologist presented to our class monthly. Our class supported the live Bird of the Month Club as well as its video version. Before moving away we awarded this talented kiddo with a bird book to extend her studies.
Advocating for Air: Personal and Persuasive
Sympathy: When the secretary's fish passes away...
Personal Artifact Museum Walk
Letters of Advice and Recommendations
Using Color to Locate Key Details in a Non-fiction Text
Pete's magic sunglasses help him turn his mood from grumpy to awesome! Pete the Cat wakes up feeling grumpy—nothing seems to be going his way. But with the help of some magic sunglasses, Pete learns that a good mood has been inside him all along.