“Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel.” - Socrates
As an educator, I have been successful at cultivating highly collaborative internal and external relationships. With over twenty years of experience, both independently and as part of a dynamic team of creative professionals, I have demonstrated my talent for managing, mentoring, and inspiring growth.
Daily lesson planning and classroom management allows me to transition quickly and comfortably between multiple projects, managing them from start to finish, and knowing where bottlenecks can occur and how to avert them. I use my “teacher voice” and I have a “critical eye” for engagement and effort. My voice and boots resonate. I engage with my character voices during read alouds or break into song if the mood is right. My students love when I participate in movement breaks with them or teach them a chant to help them remember. I teach them to use all crayons even the broken ones, to write with voice and elaborate with sensory details and to use whole body listening. I extract their superpowers.
My optimistic disposition is fueled by a growth mindset. Affirmations and quotes are my tools. My classroom website and my own personal and professional websites are reflective of my own brand. Learning to read, tying your own shoes, persevering when faced with a difficult problem or using your words with confidence is uniquely personal and empowering. My students learn collaboratively, grow as individuals, and thrive with my direction and support.
As an educator, I am responsible for the safety and growth of my students. My role requires exceptional decision-making and analytical skills. I apply logic to human interactions and use my intuition to find out what makes my learners tick. I invest in building an inclusive classroom culture where all students feel safe. As I explore new challenges, I listen to others’ perspectives and glean new insights into their work. I am constantly researching new approaches to make learning more meaningful. Much of my progress stems from incorporating authentic real-life opportunities for my students. I facilitate connections that help them piece together their own understandings and create opportunities for error analysis. Together we target areas that require additional small group instruction. They are involved in the process of monitoring their growth as they work towards their personal goals. My students must be invested in this process to achieve their full potential.
As a member of our district’s Technology Review Committee, I am familiar with the state standards aimed at building responsible digital citizens. By facilitating engineering STEAM opportunities, utilizing digital communication tools and designing multimedia presentations, I guide their digital footprint as they build their personal brand. From social media to employment and networking opportunities, engaging critical consumers and persuasive marketers as they navigate virtually. Having successfully managed multiple complex projects my experiences have given me the understanding of the technical possibilities of web design.
Teammates view me as a positive and innovative team member who leverages each individual’s unique skillset to consistently strengthen our business, culture and community. As a result, our grade level team meets our annual Student Learning Goals and Professional Goals. I give and receive feedback thoughtfully and constructively. I can motivate people to become active citizens with a fuller sense of the roles they can play and the capacities they already possess.
Being imaginative and open-minded, I see all things as part of a complex puzzle. Curious and observant, I enthusiastically form new connections and ideas. I am creative and charismatic, when facing unexpected challenges and brightening the lives of those around me. This adaptability and spontaneity makes me approachable, unique and colorful, with a friendly, empathetic disposition. I am seeking the opportunity to explore new ideas, and the chance to conduct that exploration alongside other people who share my excitement.
Allow me to show the connection between my work and the positive results we can achieve.